Monday, August 23, 2010

Caste System in India

Just a short note on the origin of caste. There was no inspiration for writing this post, was just thinking about castes and then I realized I actually had an opinion on the origin of castes. Religions have always had fine distinctions- different religions coming from different places or being formed when a teacher or a preacher does a lot of philosophical and spiritual preaching. But castes are always totally mixed up in the society. Here's my explanation to the origin of castes.

Long long back, before kingdoms and kings existed, just when caveman started to know things like agriculture, cattle raising, using metals and stuff.... There were these dominant guys who could control people with force or influence and they were obvious rulers. Go to any remote village and even this day you'll find they have village heads who are not elected, but are so because they're more influential in that part. Then there are the farmers who have agricultural land and who grow crops. And the milkmen who have cattle. And there were also wise men who were educated (not math and science and stuff, but in general about ways of life and how you can go around if u have a hard situation).

Now there's the next generation. The farmer's son knows everything about farming since he'd been working with his dad since he was a kid and the milkman's son knows everything about cattle. The farmer's kid can't raise cattle, nor can the milkman's son plough lands. It is only fair that the farmer's son becomes a farmer and the milkman's son becomes a milkman. Another reason is, the farmer won't give away his land and belongings to some other guys son, the farmer's son owns all that and he knows how to plough, sow and reap. Hence, professions were hereditary and it is only just for it to remain that way. It must be noted that in those days a farmer and a milkman was equally, if not more, important to the society as was the ruler.

The ruler's son had always enjoyed the privelage and support from people around him because his dad was powerful. He had probably also learnt to deal with people and he's the guy to rule next. You can see this now too. Look at the congress party- Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi and now Rahul Gandhi... heads of Congress party.... Not because they're the best, but because since the time they entered into politics, all of the members supported them in order to make a good impression at the current head. Naturally, the ruler's son has a huge advantage against all others to become the next ruler.

Then comes the brahmins. I'd mention two kinds- The sages and the priests. The sages are those who just lived their life preaching and living on fruits and vegetables they pluck from trees, or by begging. They were only teaching. The priests were practitioners and made a living by using whatever they knew about philosophical or spiritual things. And these priests found they enjoyed a good status in society and hence they had no reason to teach what they know to everyone else. If they do that, they're not superior anymore and they'll be useless. Just like senior-junior in insti. The senior's God only because he knows more about insti and he has more fundaes on some stuff. If the freshie knows more than the senior, he won't bother about taking fundaes.

So, everything is hereditary because they have a good reason to be so. The problem was that some professions were exploited by others. In those old times, hereditary stuff had a meaning. But now when we have public schools, it makes absolutely no sense and there's no point in even saying you're of a particular caste.
Will write more on this topic soon, have to sign off now.

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